Search results for: working women

Q&A: Opportunities and challenges for remote working during COVID-19

Lucia Saura Agile Delivery Manager at Global Payments details her firm’s changing work styles since COVID-19

Marisa Hall crowned Woman of the Year at the Women In Finance Awards

Willis Towers Watson, PwC and other leading financial institutes joined in celebrating the outstanding achievements of women in finance

PIMFA calls for all young women to consider a career in finance

PIMFA hosts first in series of masterclasses to encourage young women from all backgrounds to join the finance industry

‘Jumping the hurdles’: moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots

As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective

Rhonda Childress wins top prize at Women in IT Awards New York 2020

Respected business leaders and executives joined the virtual awards ceremony to celebrate New York’s leading Women in IT

Red Hat: women in STEM need the support of both genders

It’s not enough to simply support other women in STEM; both genders need to work together to see gender equality in the industry

Doing it Anyway: empowering women to consider a career in tech

Tech Talent Charter’s high-profile creative campaign ‘Doing it Anyway’ directs working-age women to tech vacancies and retraining programmes

Technology and AI will get women off the bench

UN Special Advisor Radia Funna believes taking a futurist approach will help boost diversity and tackle the problems facing humanity

Six ways to make working from home long term a success

As working from home becomes a long-term reality for so many, Silvina Moschini advises managers in for the long-haul

How women in the creative industry can support each other online

A new platform for women and non-binary people in the creative industry has become a success