How are working women coping one year after lockdown?
Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like
Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like
Even if organisations go back to the office post COVID-19, employee values have changed for good
Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time
Despite offering effective assistance for businesses and employees during COVID-19, the Spring Budget didn’t provide any information about financial backing for its upcoming “National Disability Strategy”
The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study
Leaders currently face two barriers – not prioritising inclusion when faced with so much change and being unable to recognise privilege
The panel’s female speakers said their experiences of gender inequity early on in their careers has made them passionate about leading through a D&I lens at Hootsuite
Diversity in social class, culture and gender is helping to spur the growth of Vector Capital Group, as Founder and CEO Sezer Sherif reveals
Workers are suffering from mounting stress and job burnout as COVID-19 continues, could the remote working model be the pandemic’s next victim?
Advertising and marketing giant Ogilvy UK is spearheading the drive to make the creative industries more diverse and inclusive