Search results for: stem

Technology and AI will get women off the bench

UN Special Advisor Radia Funna believes taking a futurist approach will help boost diversity and tackle the problems facing humanity

6 common questions around leadership anxieties, answered

A recent report by RADA Business has revealed that 94% of professionals struggle with anxiety around communicating

Remote leadership: providing support for distributed teams

Red Hat’s Stefanie Chiras explains the key to inclusive leadership when supported distributed teams

Want to be an ally? Vote

KC Lathrop, Chief of Staff to the CIO, IBM explains the impact real allyship can have in the racial equity struggle

Why training in diversity and inclusion is a business’ biggest blind spot

Diversity and inclusion training courses are one of the most overlooked areas of many businesses, but they shouldn’t be…

Teachers and childcare workers are essential, too

Tracey Welson-Rossman, Founder, TechGirlz Charitable Foundation

Axiom releases new Diversity Report and Diversity by Design framework

The global leader in legal talent launches Diversity by Design, reaffirming the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion

Why should businesses invest in emotional intelligence?

Investing in emotional intelligence will change companies from their deepest roots, says Rajkumari Neogy, an executive coach like no other.

Black British Business Awards celebrates the Black British community

The month-long celebration will culminate a landmark year in history for racial equity in the UK

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent