Search results for: racism

Stop the silence: Our words shape our world, and your voice matters

Shundrawn Thomas speaks out in support of our Asian American and Pacific Islander colleagues and friends

Combatting bias is the key to building back better

Kelly Hart looks at the active steps to improve inclusion, reduce bias and combat the impact of that pandemic

reboot: Believing you can change the world is the first step to changing it

Accenture’s Oluchi Ikechi says education, advocacy, investment and evaluation are key to breaking glass barriers

Race equality think tank Runnymede Trust responds to the Sewell report

A new Government report says institutional racism isn’t an issue, where its critics say it’s sabotaging growing allyship forged since Black Lives Matter

FPA asks members to join initiative to boost inclusitivity for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The main authority for financial planning professionals is asking all members to join an initiative to further inclusion for its Asian American and Pacific Islander community

How organisations can use BlackRock’s discrimination case to improve their D&I

Two ex-BlackRock employees have said their experience at the firm was defined by racism and other acts of discrimination. Here’s what other organisations can learn from the scandal

Does misconduct reporting need a tech upgrade?

Could anonymous misconduct reporting help employers deal with ethical workplace issues more effectively? UK energy supplier OVO Energy is trialling it among its workforce

Why COVID-19 and new tech has changed recruitment and retention

The speakers at our Talent Acquisition & Retention Virtual Summit agreed that the role of recruiters and candidate values have changed since COVID-19

New Enterprise Academy to level up inequalities for Black business community

The Black British Business Awards has launched an Academy for Black businesses, giving them the advice and skills building opportunities to beat COVID-19, Brexit, and long-term inequalities

The rise of pandemic-driven xenophobia: why we need to fight back

Threats to humanity, particularly the insidious nature of pandemics, increase xenophobic behaviour in humans. Why?