Search results for: race

Where you work, do ordinary lives matter?

George Floyd’s legacy could deeply unify – or be remembered in history as a lost opportunity

Looking to promote diversity and inclusion? Implement “best idea wins”

Kelly Nuckolls, Vice President of Marketing & Alliances, Infosystems advocates for ‘Best Idea Wins’ to boost employee engagement

3 pillars of digital transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Kelly Nuckolls used new ways of working, brought on by COVID-19, to digitally transform Infosystems

Stop the silence: Our words shape our world, and your voice matters

Shundrawn Thomas speaks out in support of our Asian American and Pacific Islander colleagues and friends

Combatting bias is the key to building back better

Kelly Hart looks at the active steps to improve inclusion, reduce bias and combat the impact of that pandemic

reboot: Believing you can change the world is the first step to changing it

Accenture’s Oluchi Ikechi says education, advocacy, investment and evaluation are key to breaking glass barriers

How are working women coping one year after lockdown?

Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like

Do you practice ethical leadership within your workplace?

Phil Hadfield, Managing Director UK of Rockwell Automation, shares leadership tips on how to establish a positive work environment and maintain employee wellbeing

How organisations can use BlackRock’s discrimination case to improve their D&I

Two ex-BlackRock employees have said their experience at the firm was defined by racism and other acts of discrimination. Here’s what other organisations can learn from the scandal

Transport sector needs young talent to be part of its green future

Transport companies need to widen their talent pool to plug the sector’s impending skills gap, one initiative is doing this through youth engagement