Search results for: pandemic

Securing against Covid-19, disruption and the importance of D&I in security

Kurt John shares’ Siemens USA’ swift response to the pandemic and the importance of diversity and inclusion in an effective cybersecurity strategy

The reason(s) why businesses are stalling on gender pay gap reporting

After having last year off, UK businesses have to submit their gender pay gap data by April 4. Why are they being slow in coming forward?

Race equality: moving from sentiment to action

Co-founder of Race Equality Matters and CEO of diverse recruitment firm Green Park, Raj Tulsiani is making a final call to action to employers as Race Equality Week enters its final few days

Despite homeworking trend, job flexibility suffers

The pandemic has highlighted great inequalities between those that can work from home, and those that have no flexible working rights at all

Investment in upskilling could boost global GDP by $6.5 trillion by 2030

New report highlights the need for upskilling to be accelerated across all sectors to safeguard the economy

Will COVID-19 create more female entrepreneurs?

As a group, women have been one of the pandemic’s biggest economic victims, has this made them hungrier for entrepreneurship?

New Walgreens CEO boosts c-suite diversity

Brewer was the first Black woman to lead a division at Starbucks, now she is joining pharmaceutical retailer Walgreens as its new CEO

Workplace racial equality initiative demands active change from businesses

A new initiative is demanding more from organisations in order to achieve racial equality in the workplace

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?