Search results for: pandemic

International Women in Engineering Day 2021: striving for equality

With this year’s theme, #EngineeringHeroes, we celebrate the achievements of female engineers

HR priorities: diversity and inclusion hit an all-time high

Study into HR priorities in 2020 shows link between D&I and stronger business performance

Creating an inclusive workplace post-coronavirus

Binna Kandola outlines the psychological risks of remote working for teams

Championing diversity and inclusion through technology in the hiring process

While more HR leaders are identifying the importance of D&I in hiring, progress remains slow

Capgemini and CodeYourFuture to create refugee tech talent pipeline

Capgemini and CodeYourFuture are helping upskill refugees for roles in the tech sector

US partnership to build diverse talent pipeline of early career candidates

AMS has partnered with WayUp to provide their clients with diverse talent

8 hacks to combat loneliness at work

Cheryl Rickman on how to navigate your way from loneliness to connection – with others and yourself – as we return to the office

Ditch stereotyped terminology to help male mental health in the workplace

Here’s how organisations can better support the mental health of their male employees

The gender pay gap is highest at executive level, finds new study

The gender pay gap is highest for executives but starts at junior levels through bonus disparities

Retail syndicate develops tools to protect workers from harassment

New resources will help retailers and their customers become better allies to minority employees