Search results for: mentor

Registrations now open for Women in IT Virtual Summit!

Registrations for the first Women in IT Virtual Summit, taking place between 30th June and 2nd July, are now open, and entry is free

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

How good leadership leads to greater diversity

Good leadership is the key to a work environment where diversity can thrive, says startup strategy advisor Tzvete Doncheva.

2020 Women in Finance Awards London Shortlist has been revealed

Want to know which women have been selected top of the class? Here is the Women in Finance London 2020 shortlist.

Minority-owned salons given access to funding during COVID-19

With salons expected to remain closed until July, SheaMoisture UK has stepped up to help minority-owned salons survive the crisis.

How technology is helping to make companies more inclusive and diverse

D&I technology is a market gaining traction. Adrien Gaubert, an expert in LGBT recruitment, highlights which are making a difference.

5 ways to make your onboarding process more enjoyable

Hiring is the first step—onboarding seals the deal. How to show your candidate you appreciate them choosing your company.

Sky Women In Technology Scholarship: A hero’s guide to gardening

Rachel Clancy, Co-founder of Tea Creature Designs talks about how the Sky Women In Tech Scholarship will help further her business.

Actionable ways companies can proactively empower their female workforce

How to empower female workforces to be the leaders of tomorrow in male domincated STEM sectors, the Progress way?

One woman’s considerable drive to pursue D&I in the Oil & Gas industry

Lamé Verre, a petroleum economist, talks to Orient Energy Review about making a difference in the Oil & Gas industry.