Search results for: mental health

How the ethical work climate can impact employee performance

Having an ethical work climate can align employees with your core principles

How successful is the property industry in becoming more LGBTQ+ inclusive?

A more diverse and inclusive workforce is a priority, but is the sector doing enough?

Pledge asks 100 UK CEOs to ‘lead’ on workplace D&I

The Co-Operative, M&S and Page Group have signed the pledge to advance diversity and inclusion reveals shortlist of diverse booksellers

The shortlist will take part in a series of sessions introducing different aspects of bookselling

2022 challenges and goals for LGBTQ+ inclusion in property

Property leaders reflect on what needs to change to boost LGBTQ+ inclusion this year

Canon UK joins four-day week trial

Canon’s UK arm joins the six month trial, set to begin in June

Supporting employees through Blue Monday

Blue Monday in the workplace must be seen as part of a broader focus on employee wellbeing

5 things your firm can do to support female staff

These five steps can help organisations better support their female staff

Diverse leaders at greater risk of salary stagnation

Making diverse staff leaders isn’t enough, career progression, including pay rises must continue

Why mentoring should be key to your business this year

Taking mentoring seriously could attract top talent and keep your team together