Search results for: inclusive leadership

What the workforce of the future will look for in your organisation

The workforce of the future is already entering the market. Does your organisation have what it takes to attract and retain the next generation of top-class employees?

The rise of pandemic-driven xenophobia: why we need to fight back

Threats to humanity, particularly the insidious nature of pandemics, increase xenophobic behaviour in humans. Why?

Is remote working making women susceptible to unconscious bias?

Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time

reboot. series: Be yourself, be authentic, be persistent

In this first interview, Invesco CEO Doug Sharp asks Ronnie Ahluwalia about the progress seen in reducing racial inequalities in the workplace

Jane Craven and her mission to “remove stereotypes from tech”

Tech veteran and EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven has experienced her fair share of gender discrimination over the years. Now she wants to help those like her break through

Female technology leaders give advice on breaking into the industry

Female leaders from tech workforce development company, Pluralsight offer other women advice about breaking into the industry including what they’ve learned along the way

IWD 2021 – ‘Choose to Challenge’ sets the tone for progress

This year’s Internal Women’s Day theme #Choose To Challenge’ asks us all to analyse, question and adapt to achieve greater gender equality

Could fintech review stimulate greater gender and race inclusion?

A UK fintech review wants to foster further growth by training and upskilling the sector’s future workforce which is good, as long as existing gender and racial inequalities are recognised

BAME career progression: tips on tackling barriers in the workplace

Roy Bean knows the effort to carve out a successful career in workplaces still not quite up to par on BAME career progression

Diverse teams lead to more innovative solutions

Harriet Green, one of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Internationally in 2019, on how the ‘vortex of change’ puts the spotlight on diverse teams