How to improve women’s equality in the workplace
In honour of Women’s Equality Day 2021, female tech leaders reflect on the ways to improve workplace inclusion
In honour of Women’s Equality Day 2021, female tech leaders reflect on the ways to improve workplace inclusion
Bhargava explains how her expansion services firm is using tech to fight underrepresentation
The US construction firm with annual revenues of $5 billion is behind the new Construction Inclusion Week initiative
In Part One – Start From Where You Stand – Daniels explains what true anti-racist action looks like
Training, allowing for breaks, and other adjustments can make menopausal employees feel supported
Through the partnership Insight deepens its commitment to gender equity in tech
Business Development head Sarah Bott breaks down what Passenger is doing for female inclusion
Women can achieve anything with a growth mindset, including smashing through ‘glass ceilings’
In Britain’s biggest companies ethnic minorities and women are in functions that won’t take them to the top
What language is appropriate to use in the workplace to make all groups feel respected and included?