Search results for: female leaders

The rights that Ruth Bader Ginsburg won are under attack

Ruth Bade Ginsburg spent her life fighting for the rights of women, but in 2020, those same rights are being taken away.

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

Women taking a stand to move up the managerial chain

Barriers are being broken down by female trailblazers in all walks of society – even traditionally masculine environments

Employees continue to benefit from gender diversity

Employee focus on gender diversity has risen in recent years, and so has its impact on company performance.

Management consulting’s diversity problem—and why you should care

The Black Lives Matter movement has spurred a renewed sense of energy around issues of corporate diversity and inclusion

OneTech and JPMorgan Chase shore up underrepresented entrepreneurs

The lack of diversity within entrepreneurs is an issue that OneTech and its peers remain committed to tackling.

8 questions analysts should ask during earnings in the wake of BLM

This new BLM earnings standard will help underpin corporate social and racial justice initiatives moving forward

Gender equality is a socio-economic issue and a human right

Governments need to intervene more to drive change, says Trisha De Borchgrave, a powerful advocate of global gender equality

BGF joins The Diversity Project to champion an inclusive workplace culture

The UK’s most active investor in growth businesses takes Advisory Board position at The Diversity Project

Black American Founder Fellowship aims to boost entrepreneurial diversity

The Founder Institute has helped thousands of budding entrepreneurs around the world to realise their ambitions