Search results for: female entrepreneurs

Black professionals in the spotlight at flagship conference

BYP Network Leadership Conference kicks of Black History Month with impact

Barriers to gender equality in finance start at school

Survey reveals how gender bias in the financial industry starts in schools

Companies need to invest more in students, especially women in STEM

With almost 15,000 jobs being created in the UK tech sector, there are many career opportunities

LEAN IN Equity & Sustainability: 60 seconds with Yara PĆ³voa

Leading women share their superpowers in new DQ LEAN In series

Diversity on boards is sacrificed when firms face difficulties

Businesses still prioritise performance aspirations over DEI

Rated People has appointed Rekha Mehr MBE to the Board

For the first time, Rated People will have a majority of women on its board

The skills you need in the fast-moving investment industry

These are the most important skills for developing a career in the finance industry

WIT Awards Asia 2022: meet the 16 women tech stars “emerging with impact”

The winners proved they are emerging with impact after the disruptions of COVID-19 by leading commercially successful firms which are inclusive too

Women in business: How to speak with confidence and authority

Via these easy-to-follow exercises, your speech can go from rushed and nervous to impactful

Google for Startups supports new cohort of 40 Black-led tech firms

This group of Black-led tech startups will get support from Google on their growth journey