Search results for: encourage diversity

Study highlights the lack of recognisable role models and women in STEM

UK workers in STEM struggle to name key role models in their industry and are more likely to recognise the Big Bang Theory’s Dr Sheldon Cooper over celebrated real-life scientists and mathematicians, highlights new research.

Managing workplace mental health: the power of high-quality training

Mental ill-health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better mental health wellbeing support in the workplace. Lottie Galvin from eLearning platform iHASCO explains how.

Purple Tuesday: businesses urged to open doors to billions held by disabled consumers

Businesses are being encouraged to register for Purple Tuesday to learn more about the purple pound – the spending power of disabled people and their families.

Lloyd’s of London bans drugs and alcohol with a new code of conduct

Lloyd’s of London takes major steps to curb inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment in the workplace with a new code of conduct that bans drugs and alcohol from its building.

How inclusivity will grow your business

Growing your culture is key to exponentially scaling your business and inclusivity is pivotal to achieving this. When leadership create conditions for diverse thinking, the whole business can thrive.

Ceresa: radically improving mentoring for all women

Minority Groups #leadforchange on the National Day for Staff Networks

Diversity network groups in organisations across the UK celebrate the National Day for Staff Networks on Wednesday 8th May 2019.

Prestigious Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards reveals 2019’s top female entrepreneurs

Personal development: the key to overcoming adversity

Ryan Jackson, CEO of Gemini Parking Solutions, was saved from a life of crime through personal development, to overcome adversity.

Johnson & Johnson’s ‘You Belong’ campaign sets the benchmark for D&I communications

Promoting D&I through internal communications: J&J’s ‘You Belong’ campaign leads the way in ensuring staff feel included in the workplace.