Search results for: employee wellbeing

Maintaining momentum on workplace mental health

Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the Business Disability Forum emphasises the need to prioritise mental wellbeing in the virtual workplace

Why should businesses invest in emotional intelligence?

Investing in emotional intelligence will change companies from their deepest roots, says Rajkumari Neogy, an executive coach like no other.

Family-friendly working: the untapped win-win for employers

Family-friendly working policies are seemingly on-trend but are companies getting them right, or simply paying them lip service?

How intersectionality is at play for women in STEM

Women working in STEM face significant challenges

Top three diversity and inclusion priorities in the wake of COVID-19

With the Women in Asset Management New York Virtual Summit on the horizon, Tali Shlomo shares how the industry can invest in its D&I

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Firms urged to act as data shows depression has doubled during COVID

Incidents of workplace mental ill-health are on the increase as the strain of the pandemic begin to take a toll

How employers can encourage better work-life balance among workers

The coronavirus crisis has led to greater stress, fear and anxiety, and a worse work-life balance, so how can employers help?

CIPD calls for the right to bereavement leave and pay to be extended

Professional body for Human Resources highlights the need for bereavement leave to be extended in the wake of the pandemic

From productivity to diversity, the benefits of a forever-remote workplace

As the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, the longer-term reality of the “new normal” is starting to take shape.