Search results for: empathy

Have workplace attitudes changed following the death of George Floyd?

The death of George Floyd sparked social unrest around the globe but has anything changed for Black people in the workplace?

Championing diversity and inclusion as a leader at Salesforce

Musidora Jorgensen, Area Vice President – Head of UK Energy & Utilities at Salesforce

Marie O’Riordan on scrapping the CV rulebook and overturning autism stereotypes at work

EML’s public relations head, Marie O’Riordan outlines the skills and capabilities of autistic talent

Women in IT Summit USA Part 1 welcomed intersectional perspectives on female inclusion

A diverse set of speakers featured in the first part of the Women in IT Summit, USA Edition 2021

4 habits of highly successful businesswomen

The challenges businesswomen face may be surmountable, but it’s a lot easier when you pack your mental wellbeing case with the right tools

Pay by gender, race and ethnicity under the spotlight in California

California state law now requires companies employing 100 or more people to provide information about pay by gender, race and ethnicity

Challenge what “qualified” looks like, says Bloomberg’s Alia Shafir

Are tech firms rejecting candidates due to a set of “impossible criteria” which could be stalling diversity?

Combatting bias is the key to building back better

Kelly Hart looks at the active steps to improve inclusion, reduce bias and combat the impact of that pandemic

How are working women coping one year after lockdown?

Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like

Why COVID-19 and new tech has changed recruitment and retention

The speakers at our Talent Acquisition & Retention Virtual Summit agreed that the role of recruiters and candidate values have changed since COVID-19