Search results for: diversity

Baroness Hale appointed Honorary Professor at UCL

Baroness Hale of Richmond, President of the Supreme Court, has been appointed as an Honorary Professor at UCL Faculty of Laws.

Cleverism shares the latest stats on Women in Tech

Martin Luenendonk, CEO & Co-Founder of educational jobsite, explains why progress to increase the number of women in tech remains slow.

CEOs’ pay overtakes average worker’s entire 2020 pay in just three days

Annual ‘High Pay Day’ figures published with warning to employers not to treat new CEO pay reporting requirements as a tick-box exercise.

Korn Ferry identifies emerging global talent trends for 2020

Based on input from talent acquisition, development and compensation experts from across the globe, Korn Ferry has identified emerging global talent trends for 2020.

10 things employers can do to help with dyslexia in the workplace

Employees admitting to having dyslexia in the workplace is a growing trend, but not something employers need to shy away from, says the British Dyslexia Association (BDA).

E2W’s 2020 outlook. A cure for insomnia: truth or consequences

Here’s to 2020, and let’s hope it comes with an accelerated pace of change for female equality in the workplace, says Mark Freed, CEO of E2W, who have been supporting women in their financial services careers since 2002.

Women in Healthcare: Female leadership from the ER to the C-suite

In an industry dominated by women, why isn’t healthcare leading the way in female leadership, investigates Korn Ferry.

Redefining processes to meet the needs of your modern workforce

Ignoring the needs of the modern workforce is no longer an option for progressive workplaces, explains Nelson Sivalingam, CEO at HowNow.

How to use Mind Mapping to empower employees with dyslexia

What do Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg and Bill Gates have in common?

Putting BAME representation on the agenda in financial services

Industry needs to understand its ‘unconscious biases’ and mitigate the impact they have on decisions and BAME professionals.