Search results for: diversity and inclusion strategies

Is diversity too big an issue for small business?

Diversity and small businesses. If the opportunity for diversity doesn’t present itself, can it be an unrealistic goal for a small business owner?

Diversity recruitment strategies

This is the second part of a three-part series, taken from an interview with Gemma Lloyd, co-founder of UK /Australian job platform Work180.

What is diversity hiring?

We interviewed Gemma Lloyd, co-founder of the UK and Australia based job platform Work180 to ask, “What is diversity hiring?”

LGBT inclusion post-Brexit: Why diversity is crucial now more than ever before

Diversity and inclusion: CEO survey reveals a huge gap between perception and reality

Diversio: What gets measured gets done!

Laura McGee says collecting the right data is the only way to make meaningful improvements on DEI

The new ‘neuro-equal’ workplace

Charlotte Valuer explains how firms can embrace neurodiversity in the post Covid economy

What it takes to build BAME healthcare leaders

Other leaders must understand the struggles BAME staff face to support their progression

BAME career progression: tips on tackling barriers in the workplace

Roy Bean knows the effort to carve out a successful career in workplaces still not quite up to par on BAME career progression

Discrimination in UK organisations remains rampant as they struggle to prioritise DE&I

Discrimination prevails as study reveals alarming statistics on hiring practices