Search results for: diverse talent

What to expect at the US Women in Asset Management Summit 2021

Kicking off on 8 September 2021, attendees can expect to learn about nurturing a diverse talent pool

Keisha Bell: Dialogue is necessary to promote understandng and change

Keisha Bell, Managing Director and Head of Diverse Talent Management at DTCC comments on attitudes towards race in the workplace since the death of George Floyd

Black Swimming Association partners with Community Leisure UK for ethnic diversity in aquatics

The two organisations want to further BAME participation in aquatics and create more senior leisure roles for diverse talent

Jivan Mann joins PGGB as its Diversity and Inclusion Action Group Producer

Mann will help production personnel hire diverse talent in the UK’s film and television industry

Challenging stereotypes the key to more diversity in graduate recruitment

Transform Society boosts diverse talent interest in public sector careers

How employee ownership aids diversity and inclusion

When employees don’t feel included, they are more likely to leave. Michael Levin shares how to keep hold of your diverse talent

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent

Digital workshops help the underrepresented into the legal sector

Web course aims to attract, recruit and help retain underrepresented and diverse talent in the legal sector.

How tech companies can create the culture shift in a crisis

Tech companies lack diversity at all organisational levels. Free webinar focuses on attracting, retaining and keeping diverse talent in the sector.

Getting down to the grassroots is key to boosting diversity in the workplace

Piers Linney got where he is today through hard work and determination. He talks about the importance of recruiting diverse talent, supporting SMEs and being a role model.