Search results for: diverse recruitment

Veterinary bodies unite to battle sector’s diversity issues

Diversity problems in the UK’s veterinary sector are stark, with BAME professionals only accounting for 3% of the workforce. Could a new D&I project led by industry bodies help?

Global law firm offers pro-bono advice to black-led businesses

With Black founders facing a tougher funding climate than other groups, the more organisations share scale-up advice, support, and access to networks, the better

Aviva Investors: striving to tackle racial inequality in the investment industry

Marte Borhaug, Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, delves into the firm’s engagement strategy towards racial inequality

GSK sets ambitious new targets on gender and ethnic diversity

The pharmaceutical giant announces gender and diversity aspirational targets to increase representation at senior levels

Disability bias and plastic waste: the startup fighting for double impact

MELIOR is a British startup that aims to employ people with disabilities. It is also producing sustainable products in an attempt to stem the UK’s plastic waste problem

Are ethnic minority businesses more outward-looking and lucrative?

In an era of Brexit and an uneven economy due to COVID-19, we need ethnic minority entrepreneurs, and their £74 billion contributions, even more

The BAME job application “boom” explained

Ethnic minority graduates are making more job applications than their white counterparts, is this a sign of growing inclusivity or are they simply battling bias?

Compliance sector marred by lip service on diversity

Diversity implementations in the financial services sector are shallow and ineffectual, suggests a new ICA report on the compliance sector

Asda reveals their most recent gender pay gap data

ASDA reveals an improved gender pay gap for the third-consecutive year; while equal pay disputes continue to play out in the UK supreme court

How HR leaders can help women reach the top in male-dominated industries

For every 100 men promoted into management, 70 women are. Here’s how to tackle inequalities and elevate more women to the top