Search results for: diverse recruitment

How to attract and retain female tech talent

Women are still underrepresented in tech, here’s how to make your firm more gender inclusive

What now for gender equality in a post-pandemic world?

Economies need to build back diversity if they are going to fully prosper in the long term

Why we need more mentoring programmes for women in tech

With the female drop out rate in tech as high as 50%, could mentorship programmes for women help?

How Pearl Lemon became a white minority business

At Pearl Lemon, the leaders focus on merit and talent

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE joins board at cross-industry charity, OKRE

New charity OKRE has just appointed advisory professional Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE as its first Chair

“Check your bias as often as you check your spelling” – the key to inclusion in tech

Equity in tech means becoming more aware of biases, not getting rid of them, says Abadesi Osunsade

Non-binary inclusion: the path to gender confidence in the workplace

Gender confidence at work, shouldn’t be a privilege

Udacity: talent acquisition and CSR working together to boost DEI

Udacity’s Robin Hood approach to recruiting diverse talent in STEM

MPs and Peers report the state of diversity and inclusion in STEM workforce

The UK’s economic recovery provides an opportunity to address structural issues in the STEM workforce

LRN leaders on building an ethical workplace after George Floyd

Two of LRN’s senior leaders discuss developing their organisational culture to promote racial equity