Search results for: discrimination

How to hire people with disabilities: a step by step guide

There are ways to ensure your disability inclusion policy succeeds – ask people with disabilities. Simon Brown and Susan Scott-Parker advise how to hire people with disabilities.

Technology and diversity: ensuring ADA compliance with workplace tech

In an increasingly global corporate climate, ensuring workplace diversity is an important component of a company’s continued viability

Lloyds becomes the first major bank to publish their ethnicity pay gap

Lloyds Banking Group reveals that its black staff are being paid nearly 20% less than their colleagues in new report

Vault Platform: implementing an effective anti-bullying strategy

CEO Neta Meidav addresses how to tackle the legal and cultural challenges of workplace bullying. Is an anti-bullying policy enough?

“Can my employer make me get a COVID-19 vaccine?”

As COVID-19 vaccinations are rolled out to the most vulnerable in society, employees are asking about their vaccine rights

Only 3% of articles discussing diversity reference disability

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, global businesses sign up to put disability inclusion on their board agendas

Guidelines launched for visual representation of transgender community

Photographers and videographers given the creative license to support the authentic visual representation of the broader LGBTQ community

Gen Z: How this generation could be your diversity and inclusion saviour

Gen Z is full of diversity-focused digital-savvy candidates. Why then are they finding it so hard to find work?

BAME HCAs: the true measure of wealth is good health

When BAME HCAs winner Dr Danso realised the healthcare needs of her friends and family were underserved, she decided to do something about it…

New inclusivity course wants bosses to end their silence on race

A convener of a new nine-week business course says leaders must start speaking openly about race if they want to create a truly inclusive workplace.