Search results for: company culture

Major US firms score highly on the 2021 Disability Equality Index®

The DEI is a benchmarking tool that evaluates whether companies have policies that promote inclusion for disabled groups

Why the need for female leadership is more urgent than ever

Technological innovation is opening up career opportunities where women can benefit

Supporting young diverse talent to achieve long-term inclusion and belonging

Grid for Good – the new initiative by National Grid supports disadvantaged young people

How to offer working parents fair leave policies

Encouraging new fathers to take parental leave could boost wellbeing and stem the gender pay gap

Empowering women in the workplace: 4 actionable steps for employers

Offering flexible hours is one way to support women in the workplace

5 steps to establish authentic core values

What are core values, and why does a company need them?

Clark Construction Group leads industry-wide D&I initiative

The US construction firm with annual revenues of $5 billion is behind the new Construction Inclusion Week initiative

Why essential employee relations processes are crucial for DEI

Companies need to recommit to vital processes that help support DEI and employee relations

Advancing Racial Equity: Taking meaningful action without a hint of tokenism

In Part One – Start From Where You Stand – Daniels explains what true anti-racist action looks like

Smart organisations ensure they are LGBT+ inclusive all year round

Being in an LGBT+ unfriendly workplace can affect staff productivity and mental health