CII Reduces Insurance Gender Pay Gap
The CII’s targeted roll out has seen positive results
The CII’s targeted roll out has seen positive results
Immersive Labs an online training platform that sets out to tackle both the skills and diversity gap in cybersecurity through skills-based job placements
Sarah Kaiser talks about her experiences delivering successful D&I strategies.
When it comes to CEOs of FTSE 100 companies, there are currently more men called Dave in these leadership roles than there are women overall.
Julia Rampen explores social class and the British workplace and considers how we define social class and how we tackle class-based discrimination.
The 26th August marks Women’s Equality Day, a US holiday that celebrates women everywhere and reiterates the importance of gender equality
Half of all transgender workers hide their identity at work for fear of discrimination
Julia Rampen asks should we be scrutinising the use of aptitude tests amongst employers and discusses some of the flaws in this approach.
We asked experts from across the STEM industries to give us their insights into what the 2018 A-levels results are telling us about the future of STEM.
Diversity and small businesses. If the opportunity for diversity doesn’t present itself, can it be an unrealistic goal for a small business owner?