Search results for: Wellbeing

Emotional intelligence – the skill set of future Black leaders?

Black employees have high emotional intelligence which is desired in modern leaders

How workplaces can better support men’s mental health

There is still a long way to go in opening up about men’s mental health

Tackling the taboo of Child to Parent Abuse in the workplace

Around one in 10 employees could be victims of Child to Parent Abuse (CPA)

Getting men talking: Removing taboos around men’s health

The need to talk about issues or feelings is often ignored by men

Women on Boards offers salary negotiation tips on ‘Equal Pay Day’

Fiona Hathorn, CEO of Women on Boards offers six tips to help women negotiate their salaries up

Burnout: could more ‘reward and recognition’ stem Gen Z exodus?

All workers feel more burnt out since the pandemic began, but Gen Zs are suffering more

The benefits of mindfulness in the workplace

Could mindfulness help de-escalate men’s mental health issues?

Mental health apps and general support for male staff

Homeworking has accelerated the adoption of digital mental health tools

Untapped AI seeks end to unreliable employee surveys

Data reveals that employees underestimate and are dishonest about their true feelings

Understanding men’s mental health in the workplace

Men need support to open up about mental health at work