Search results for: Underrepresented groups

A practical guide to diversity and inclusion in startups

How to do diversity and inclusion for startups the right way? Here is what Perrine Farque at Inspired Humans had to say…

Tackling board inequality with diverse junior talent

Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.

Top global VCs demystify unconscious bias in funding and innovation

Will coronavirus amplify the already existing unconscious bias in the corporate world and in venture capital?

Is executive-level diversity and inclusion the key to performing well?

Executive-level diversity and inclusion is on the rise, says new McKinsey ‘Diversity Wins’ report.

How technology is helping to make companies more inclusive and diverse

D&I technology is a market gaining traction. Adrien Gaubert, an expert in LGBT recruitment, highlights which are making a difference.

Actionable ways companies can proactively empower their female workforce

How to empower female workforces to be the leaders of tomorrow in male domincated STEM sectors, the Progress way?

The effect of COVID-19 on diversity and inclusion progress

Leading underrepresented talent specialist, MyKindaFuture, explores the effect of COVID-19 on the diversity and inclusion agenda.

Female talent championed at International Women’s Day event

MyKindaFuture hosts International Women’s Day event to explore how female talent can be better supported within UK business.

Northern Trust: strategy and data are key to boosting D&I in the workplace

Northern Trust’s Sarah Boddey knows first-hand the benefits of attracting junior staff from diverse backgrounds.