Search results for: Underrepresented groups

Meet the company driving inclusion in London’s property sector

Can a property firm’s new inclusion policies help solve the sector’s wider representation issues?

Research uncovers shortcomings in corporates’ attempts to improve diversity

Actively listening to employees, followed by action, is the most effective driver of diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workforce, says Josh Bersin

Paralympian’s business sponsorship shows the many benefits of CSR

Apart from being the right thing to do, genuine CSR can boost employee engagement and bolster diverse recruitment

A global skills gap is on the horizon: are apprenticeships the answer?

More inclusive apprenticeships could be the answer to the world’s impending skills shortage, which according to the WEF is set to hit by 2030.

Diverse recruitment doesn’t exist in fintech yet, says new report

Despite its reputation for innovation, the fintech sector is troubled by a culture of silence on diversity.

Accelerator partners with VC firm to diversify funding climate

Are venture capitalists funding the same kinds of businesses? A new funding advice series wants VCs to support more diverse founders

WEF launches anti-racism workplace coalition

New World Economic Forum coalition commits to improving racial and ethnic justice in the workplace

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?

Diversity, equality and inclusion are for the whole organisation, not just HR

Global Director Sheree Atcheson is demanding more Demanding More organisation’s DE&I strategies to drive meaningful change

Career mentorship platform targets graduates from diverse institutions

Industry leaders are joining a platform to offer career advice to underrepresented graduates