Search results for: Transferable skills

New partnership tackles refugee unemployment and UK’s digital skills gap

Barclays LifeSkills, LinkedIn, and Microsoft form unique partnership with Breaking Barriers

Diversity Delayed: how reliance on skills over potential is obstructing D&I plans

People leaders’ well-meaning D&I plans are being derailed by outdated hiring practices. Here is how to propel change

New programme launched to tap into the skills of unpaid carers

Millions of UK employees are unpaid carers – new programme helps employers make the best of their transferable skills

New CARE platform turns caregivers’ abilities into essential leadership skills

CARE gives UK’s growing population of caregivers the opportunity to turn experiences into essential leadership skills.

WISE report: Women more likely to retrain for a job in tech

Respondents said their non-STEM qualifications had equipped them with transferable skills for the sector, while women were more likely to take part-time tech courses

Samsung UK: women should not allow self-doubt to hinder their careers

Samsung UK Marketing & Omnichannel Director Annika Bizon reveals why being unafraid to speak your mind is a superpower.

Women in IT Asia: Meet Evelina Lye, Co-Founder of UNTAM3D

UNTAM3D provides a psychologically safe space for women+ interested in emerging tech

UK businesses called to hire veterans to “futureproof their workforce”

15,000 Futures has placed over 100 veterans into training for critical digital roles

Ageism in the workplace is perpetuated by prejudice

Ageism is forgotten as organisations focus on other protected DE&I characteristics

Women and ethnic minorities face barriers returning to STEM careers

STEM returners are more ethnically and gender diverse than those already in the industry, yet age bias and COVID-19 are barriers to re-entry too