Search results for: Remote working

Promoting diversity in tech, and encouraging the next generation of cyber security professionals

Jessica Figueras, vice-chair at the UK Cyber Security Council talks promoting diversity in tech, and encouraging cyber professionals of the future

Why female experience sharing is important in the tech sector

Manuel discusses the power of building female alliances in the male-dominated tech sector

Standing up to discrimination was always going to be a team effort

For employees today, fairness and equality matter as much as conventional staff perks

What’s next for women in tech? Cloud staffing firm issues new report

Frank Recruitment Group publishes new findings on gender inclusivity featuring 36 of the UK tech space’s most senior female leaders

What employees want (and need) from the post-pandemic workplace

Many employees are nervous about heading back to the office, so what’s their ideal situtation?

Leadership must change the culture around taking holiday to stop employee burnout

It’s time for leaders to ‘lead by example’ on taking longer holidays and switching off

Mental health must be top of the agenda as we navigate the changing workplace

Industry experts share advice on what employers can do to support employee wellbeing

Supporting hard of hearing employees in the workplace

Retentive and recruitment processes can be adapted to support people with hearing loss

Talent pipeline a barrier to diversity in the tech industry

Encouraging more women and people from diverse backgrounds into the tech sector is high on the agenda for UM CEO Gladys Kong

Fintech has a bigger diversity, equality and inclusion problem than it realises

Paysafe is making strides to embed diversity, equality and inclusion across its workforce but can other fintech firms make the same claim?