Search results for: Remote working

Investing is about logic and curiosity – not academic background

Alger welcomes lawyers, doctors, and humanities majors on their teams for diversity of thought

How to attract more women into cybersecurity

Only a quarter of cybersecurity professionals are female

STEM jobs scheme to make return to work more inclusive

The programme is remote and offers part-time job options

Is video conferencing software inclusive enough?

Closed captions can fail to understand foreign accents or provide context

Culture add not culture fit is key to recruiting diverse talent

Change is not going to happen from the traditional recruitment industry so businesses must act now to move the dial on DEI

Making DEI your “strategic focus” no matter your sector

Culture and inclusion leader Dr Femi Olu-Lafe explains what firms need to know about implementing a diversity and inclusion strategy

The Women in IT Summit Canada: being a responsive and inclusive leader following COVID-19

The Women in IT Summit Canada explored the new responsibilities of leaders to help staff feel included amid changing work styles

“Breaking the Wall Street stigma” – 2021’s US edition of the Women in Asset Management Summit

The 2021 Women in Asset Management Summit US Edition explored stigmas about the industry, the D&I work that’s still needed, and why education is key to encourage more diverse applications

How to implement diversity in the workplace

Businesses that actively promote diversity and inclusion have a clear strategy in place, here’s how to build your own

Empowering women in the workplace: 4 actionable steps for employers

Offering flexible hours is one way to support women in the workplace