Search results for: LGBTQ

How to use inclusive language at work

Here, we break down inclusive language use for minority groups

LGBT+ business champion’s resignation leaves hole in workplace progress

Where does Anderson’s resignation leave progress on LGBTQ+ workplace rights?

Companies are still struggling to manage diversity beyond gender

A review of some of the UK’s largest companies reveals that many are focusing more on workforce diversity, but many areas need more attention

How to eradicate microaggressions from the workplace

Leaders must take charge on first understanding then dismantling microaggressions

Deloitte’s flexible public holiday policy – a boon to all groups?

Flexible public holiday policies can be inclusive of religious minorities and non-religious staff

Make your organisation more diverse in 20 steps

Creating a diverse workforce is a constant work in progress, here are 20 steps to get you started

Leaders As Change Agents launches free workplace inclusion guide

Women in IT UK

Women in IT

Books to read this LGBT+ History Month and beyond

This 10 book reading list reflects the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community