Search results for: Flexible working

The emotional impact of physical distancing in the workplace

Sudies show that physical distancing is having a toll on employee wellbeing, and so Brendan Street details what employers can do to help.

50% of employees are unaware of their maternity/paternity leave rights

New parents give birth to increasing discrimination through not understanding the maternity/paternity leave rights in their current role.

Virtual Women in IT Summit 2020 – Day three recap

As we wrap up the Women in It Summit 2020, we look at how we can get more women and girls into IT and tech.

How to reintegrate furloughed employees in an inclusive way

Prioritise accessible communication, psychological safety and inclusive redesign, says industry thought leader Teresa Boughey.

How to drive the cause of women in leadership in your organisation

There is a clear business case for more action to bolster women in leadership. Juliane Sterzl, VP of UK&I, CoachHub has some ideas

How to support staff wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to take its toll, Lawyer Francesca Mundy shares how to support staff wellbeing and mental health

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: why diversity and inclusion is more important than ever

Diversity and inclusion haven’t disappeared during the pandemic, so businesses shouldn’t be excused for thinking it.

Businesses answer the cries for disability inclusion – but we aren’t there yet

Airbnb, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nationwide, SAP, UniCredit and Wipro sign up to global disability inclusion movement – The Valuable 500

The power of collective empathy awakened in business

Will collective empathy be the new normal when we return to the office, benefiting people with disabilities? Caroline Casey discusses.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: the gender pay gap during the pandemic

Female workers across the world are putting their health on the line to battle COVID-19, but what is being done for them?