Search results for: ERG

BAME people should make a case for more diversity

Centrepoint’s Seyi Obakin advocates for BAME leadership and, purging the world of the triggers of homelessness forever

Tech diversity focus: Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security, Accenture in Ireland

Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security Lead Ireland at Accenture talks gender diversity in tech before the summit

Trust, tech and gender

Ahead of the WIT Ireland Summit, Rodvold explores crucial tech themes

mthree tackles tech inequality with new diversity scholarship

New Aspire 1000 Scholarship levels the playing field for underrepresented groups seeking a career in technology

‘Jumping the hurdles’: moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots

As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective

Black British Business Awards reveals the best of 2020

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner partner named Black British Business Person of the year in BBBAwards, as winners are revealed

Angel Business Club launches mental wellbeing webinar

Geoff McDonald’s new mental wellbeing webinar hopes to inspire employers and managers into positive action in the workplace

Black men: how to change your mindset, escape stereotypes and get ahead

Life Coach Michael Taylor believes ‘Shattering Black Male Stereotypes’ is the fillip to black men progressing in the corporate world

Tech is a changing world, and employers need to keep up

Tech in the 21st century dominates human life, and Ana Gillan says the tech industry needs a new human-focus if it wants to succeed

WeWork partners with Foundervine to help diverse founders grow

The new Diverse Founders Programme is set to help ethnically diverse founders across the UK, and Ireland thrive