Search results for: ERG

New Enterprise Academy to level up inequalities for Black business community

The Black British Business Awards has launched an Academy for Black businesses, giving them the advice and skills building opportunities to beat COVID-19, Brexit, and long-term inequalities

How to turn your recruitment processes into a winning formula following a pandemic

Has the pandemic forced firms to revolutionise their recruitment processes? Nabila Salem, President at Revolent Group, thinks so…

Healthcare provider signs pledge to end pinkwashing and improve “real” LGBT+ inclusion

A healthcare provider has proven that it’s serious about LGBT+ inclusion

The rise of pandemic-driven xenophobia: why we need to fight back

Threats to humanity, particularly the insidious nature of pandemics, increase xenophobic behaviour in humans. Why?

Biggest talent and hiring trends to look out for in 2021

ZoĆ« Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit

Hiring neurodiverse talent: why employer knowledge gaps prevail

Organisations are aware that neurodiverse hires are good for retention rates but lack of resources, knowledge gaps, and access to talent pipelines have stalled their efforts

National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021 Shortlist announced

The National BAME Health & Care Awards recognises the achievements of BAME staff in the health and care sectors in a year where the community has been rocked by COVID-19

reboot. series: Be yourself, be authentic, be persistent

In this first interview, Invesco CEO Doug Sharp asks Ronnie Ahluwalia about the progress seen in reducing racial inequalities in the workplace

Why representation matters: Black, Latinx, and Indigenous leaders share their thoughts

We know there is more work to be done to further representation for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people in the tech sector and wider society. Our Representation Matters Summit addressed why

The Crown vs Markle clash is hardly black and white

While the UK tabloid media has raised accusations of xenophobia against Meghan Markle, the real issue is far deeper than a solitary comment