Search results for: Diversity and inclusion

Ethnic minorities in finance find low commitment to inclusion

BAME employees in financial services are overlooked and two-thirds have experienced discrimination

Asset management – is it time for a rebrand and culture overhaul?

New ways of thinking and acting can take the sector down a more purpose-driven path

Do it Now Now’s Bayo Adelaja on Black tech founders and beating the ‘boys’ club’ culture

With Black entrepreneurs facing significant barriers to funding, Do it Now Now hopes to change the narrative in tech through better introductions and growth support

Equality and diversity: success is not fighting the fight alone

As we launch The National BAME Health & Care Awards 2022, UNISON’s Rakiya Suleiman’s lived experiences exemplifies its need

Music education charity Music Masters launches diversity audit tool

Following its trial last year, the upgraded tool includes written guides to support “good conversation” around diversity and inclusion

Credit Suisse Gender 3000 report: gender diversity in boardroom and senior management grows globally

The report reveals that boardroom gender diversity continues to improve globally yet there’s “sluggish” progress in major Asian economies including China, India, Japan and Korea

Lack of D&I confidence among men, older workers and leadership remains an issue

The new report from data firm Dynata revealed that microaggressions remain an issue for ethnic minority workers while other cohorts are fearful of losing their jobs due to D&I

Recognition is key to driving female inclusion and belonging, cites new workforce study

Respondents who reported being recognised at work were almost twice as likely to have a strong sense of belonging

London is a discrimination hotspot for employees and job seekers, finds new study

Despite is ethnic diversity, London’s job-seekers and employees experience more discrimination than the national average, according to a new study

Learning from female leaders during the pandemic

We’re always taught to learn from male leaders, what about the other way around?