Search results for: DEI

The skills you need in the fast-moving investment industry

These are the most important skills for developing a career in the finance industry

New Black Talent Awards aims to tackle employment discrimination

Award founded by veteran recruiter and agency founder Denise Myers.

4 steps to better career progression for minorities

Cut the background noise and use these steps to greater career progression

EDGE Empower helps companies change the DE&I landscape

EDGE Empower is a new solution to help HR develop DE&I strategies

Legal & General: creating an inclusive workplace involves truly listening

Henry Jones shares how Legal & General is making good progress on its DEI journey

Police Scotland to improve equality and diversity after ‘sexism’ case

Review recommends refresher training on DEI, professional behaviour standards and grievance procedures

WIT Awards Asia 2022: meet the 16 women tech stars “emerging with impact”

The winners proved they are emerging with impact after the disruptions of COVID-19 by leading commercially successful firms which are inclusive too

An introductory guide to the gender pay gap

In this introductory guide to the gender pay gap, we explain the main causes of the gender pay gap, the COVID-19 context, and ways to close it

Why we can’t forget the ‘neurodiversity’ in cybersecurity

Neurodiversity inclusion is essential to any equitable workplace, Exabeam’s Gianna Driver sheds light on her firm’s direction

New study shows mixed bag for ethnic minority inclusion

Structural racism is still a problem, although companies have responded well to the Black Lives Matter demands, says a new study