Search results for: Entrepreneurship

Supporting businesswomen through a global pandemic

2020 has put us all through trials and tribulations, but how do you navigate a global pandemic as a businesswoman?

Lloyds Bank to focus on black business leaders

The banking group is set to challenge the obstacles which hinder growth for black business leaders and those wanting to start a business

Cherie Blair Foundation and Salesforce partner to support female entrepreneurs in growth countries

Partnership marks Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with its commitment to support the resilience and growth of female entrepreneurs

NatWest launches mentoring scheme for female business owners

Joint initiative with Be the Business shows further support for female business owners on National Mentoring Day

Systemic hurdles prevents success for minority ethnic business owners

Systemic disadvantage is stopping business owners from minority ethnic backgrounds from achieving entrepreneurial success

Gender equality is a socio-economic issue and a human right

Governments need to intervene more to drive change, says Trisha De Borchgrave, a powerful advocate of global gender equality

BLOOM Gin offers funding for female-founded projects

The all-female team behind BLOOM Gin are helping female entrepreneaurs to turn their passions into businesses.

Black American Founder Fellowship aims to boost entrepreneurial diversity

The Founder Institute has helped thousands of budding entrepreneurs around the world to realise their ambitions

Why is Black talent ‘opting out’ of corporate America?

The Black talent exodus: will the current climate force corporate America into action to stem the tide?

Why private equity offers a “brilliant career for women

Fewer women work in private equity than in any other area of the financial sector