Search results for: inclusion

New Fearless Woman campaign applauds women in investing

City Hive celebrates the 50th year of women investing

IMI reveals plan to boost senior diversity in automotive sector

Diverse representation is low across the automotive workforce but especially in senior roles

Bridge Partners places Helena Haynes-Carter into high-profile DEI role in financial services

The inclusive search firm placed Helena Haynes-Carter into a core DEI role at KeyBank

Government says no to compulsory ethnicity pay gap reporting

The Government is set to release voluntary guidance this summer

ADP’s newest general manager advocates for DE&I

Sirsha Haldar leads the UK & Ireland business with over 4,000 ADP clients in the region

NatWest and Meta partnership to support growth of female-led businesses

Breaking the chain of exclusionary workplace practices

Employers must avoid treating their workforce as one uniform group

To be neurodiversity inclusive look at the whole workforce and avoid labels

It isn’t useful to divide staff into neurodiverse and neurotypical camps, says Professor Boddison

Women say age isn’t a barrier in education but appearance might be

Women more than men believe that equality and diversity training should be for all people

British Sign Language (BSL) enters final stages of legalisation journey

Government departments will be required to follow guidance on the implementation of BSL