Search results for: gender diversity

Gender Pension Report reveals alarming 50% gender pension gap

Disparity in women’s pension payments reveals pressing need for equality in retirement savings

Diversity and data: building an inclusive workplace in tech

Understanding the importance of balancing purpose and pace

Putting diversity on the tech sector’s agenda

Cultural growth is what’s needed to drive the sector in 2023

Rukayyat Modupe Kolawole on how gender equality can reduce poverty

LEAN IN to 60 seconds with the founder of PaceUP

Gender equality in the UK workplace: the impact of the new budget

Hunt’s new budget is set to improve gender equality for parents, but is it enough to make a significant change?

Diversity and inclusion affect us all

The lack of DE&I is a problem that goes beyond an individual or a group of people

Tips on how to introduce gender equality in the tech industry

SafetyCulture is passionate about re-defining the prospects of women in tech

Using the power of procurement to drive gender equality

David Latten at Logitech explains why companies should take gender equality as seriously as they do environmental issues

What does Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill mean for employers?

The Gender Recognition Reform Bill was passed by MPs in Scotland on 22nd December

Loganair to introduce equality, diversity and inclusion training

Programme will reach every member of staff over the next six months