Search results for: HR experience

BITC’s Sandra Kerr CBE on why listening to employee experiences will tackle workplace racism

Kerr has seen more firms commit to D&I since Floyd’s death but says goal setting to drive action and listening to employee experiences is crucial

New employee experience demands could create more inclusive workplaces

Employee experience demands have changed since COVID-19 and if embraced by organisations, could create more diverse and inclusive workforces

Techfugees: empowering refugees through technology

The number of displaced people on the planet is close to 80 million – a population the size of Germany and a rich source of talent.

Adaptive personalities essential for steering through technological change

Data is king and influences everything, says Tasha Jones ahead of this month’s Women in IT Summit USA

Long Covid poses tough challenges for HR

An estimated one in ten people experiences long COVID, with the unknown nature of the condition set to increase internal pressures on Human Resource

Hootsuite leadership talk gender equity, allyship, and lived experiences

The panel’s female speakers said their experiences of gender inequity early on in their careers has made them passionate about leading through a D&I lens at Hootsuite

Culture counts but iamtheCODE is pushing through to help girls in Africa

Women in Africa need safeguards, an education and a fairer legal system to achieve gender equality says Lady Mariéme Jamme

Diversity, equality and inclusion are for the whole organisation, not just HR

Global Director Sheree Atcheson is demanding more Demanding More organisation’s DE&I strategies to drive meaningful change

Bias in recruitment: over-50s three times more likely to be long-term unemployed

Centre for Ageing Better warns that attitudes towards the over-50s risk them being shut out of employment

How HR leaders can help women reach the top in male-dominated industries

For every 100 men promoted into management, 70 women are. Here’s how to tackle inequalities and elevate more women to the top