Search results for: remote workin

Gender bias in employment benefits holding back women in tech

Flexible working is the most-desired employment benefit for women in the tech industry, but the stigma attached is having a negative impact on work-life balance and career progression.

Women in IT Awards London 2020: CIO of the Year shortlist

Ahead of the sixth edition of the Women in IT Awards, the largest tech diversity event in the world, we look at the achievements of those shortlisted in the CIO of the Year category.

Redefining processes to meet the needs of your modern workforce

Ignoring the needs of the modern workforce is no longer an option for progressive workplaces, explains Nelson Sivalingam, CEO at HowNow.

Accenture: What does a culture of equality really look like?

Accenture is on a mission to advance workplace equality and achieve a gender-balanced workforce by 2025. Crucial to its ambitions is understanding gender equality in the workplace.

When employees quit, but stay – are your employees disengaged?

The way we think about work is changing, and to move with this curve, leaders need to view their ever-demanding employees through a new lens — and create policies that address their reality, says Talent Acquisition Expert, Bruce Morton.

Disabled knowledge workers limited by outdated workplace technology

Six in ten disabled knowledge workers say their organisation “talks a good game about diversity without really acting.

Diversity and Inclusion: Better inclusion equals a bigger pie for everyone

In this interview, Diana Cruz Solash tells DiversityQ about her plans to transform Infor into a leader in inclusion and diversity by setting the right policies, programmes and culture.

How can employers retain employees amidst a changing work culture?

The way we think about ‘work’ is changing and to move with this curve, leaders need a new lens through which to view workers who are more demanding than ever—and new policies that address their reality.

5 reasons why businesses can’t afford to not be inclusive

Many businesses preach about the importance of being inclusive and everyone having a say in making decisions. Sometimes, however, reality doesn’t reflect this.

How to embrace Shared Parental Leave

Eight in 10 top UK companies paid men more than women in 2018.