Search results for: racial diversity

How can we make flexible work policies more inclusive?

2020 has seen the rise of flexible work policies, but what can be done to make them more inclusive in the future?

Lloyds Bank to focus on black business leaders

The banking group is set to challenge the obstacles which hinder growth for black business leaders and those wanting to start a business

Lloyds becomes the first major bank to publish their ethnicity pay gap

Lloyds Banking Group reveals that its black staff are being paid nearly 20% less than their colleagues in new report

2020’s toll on the workplace

A new report from our WIT Summit USA media partner the Center for Women and Business (CWB), reveals the impact of the pandemic and racial justice crises on workplaces

BAME HCAs: the true measure of wealth is good health

When BAME HCAs winner Dr Danso realised the healthcare needs of her friends and family were underserved, she decided to do something about it…

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

Passion and purpose: A career story from Salesforce’s Equality Programs Director

Working at Salesforce has taught Bayly Mattes to believe in her strengths, stick to her goals, speak out and try new things.

Black British Business Awards reveals the best of 2020

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner partner named Black British Business Person of the year in BBBAwards, as winners are revealed

Want to be an ally? Vote

KC Lathrop, Chief of Staff to the CIO, IBM explains the impact real allyship can have in the racial equity struggle

Teachers and childcare workers are essential, too

Tracey Welson-Rossman, Founder, TechGirlz Charitable Foundation