Search results for: Racism

Jacinda Ardern: lessons in crisis communications

Business can learn from how Jacinda Ardern delivered the perfect crisis communications strategy

Am I not getting a job because I’m a woman and Muslim?

In this column, Tasneem Abdur-Rashid shares what it is like to be a ‘multi-disadvantaged’ woman and Muslim seeking employment in the UK.

How to avoid workplace discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace continues to be an issue, despite being against the law

The SNP “fair work” demand is a sign of things to come

Obsessing over niqabs ignores everyday Islamophobia in the workplace

Julia Rampen explores everyday Islamophobia in the workplace and considers ways that employers can be more inclusive toward this cohort of workers.

Why we need social media villains in the workplace

Julia Rampen takes a look at social media and the challenges employers face when striking a balance between the personal and professional.

Why ITN’s decision to admit its BAME pay gap was smarter than it looks

Julia Rampen explore’s the reasoning behind ITN publishing its BAME pay gap data