Search results for: pay gap reporting

Ethnicity pay gap reporting – A walk across the minefield

As an employer and as a provider of payroll and HR solutions, Jeff Phipps is curious about ethnicity pay gap reporting. Here is why…

Government halts gender pay gap reporting during COVID-19 outbreak

Enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting deadlines suspended for this year as businesses manage impact of COVID-19.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

Conservative Peer seeks mandatory disability pay gap reporting

Conservative Peer calls on the Government to force businesses to publish their disability pay gap, following on from gender and ethnicity.

Syndio partners with EDGE on pay equity analysis through PayEQ tool

Collaboration offers compliant and scalable pay equity analysis for certification and regulatory compliance

Equal Pay: Hope for a better 2023?

The average pay disparity between men and women working in the UK has stretched to more than 8%

An introductory guide to the gender pay gap

In this introductory guide to the gender pay gap, we explain the main causes of the gender pay gap, the COVID-19 context, and ways to close it

Why it’s time for tech firms to publish their ethnicity pay gap data

To improve race equality in tech, we must see more firms publish their ethnicity data

Women receive pre-inflation pay rises as reporting deadline looms

Women report pre-inflation and lower pay rises ahead of the gender reporting deadline

Equal Pay Day: the days women work ‘for free’ grows

Equal Pay Day is two days earlier this year, signifying the decline of women’s pay equity