Search results for: inclusion

Women are denied promotions that lead to top CEO roles, says report

Women may be found in numbers in specific functions, but still, only make up less than 20% of global leadership teams

Why you should value your ADHD employees

Anna Jakielaszek explains why despite negative stereotypes, your ADHD employees could in fact be your best asset

Businesses support leading Covenant to show care leavers more empathy

Young care leavers face a multitude of hurdles when starting their adult life, but businesses have come together to make that journey easier

‘Jumping the hurdles’: moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots

As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective

Women at Unicorns are almost as rare as Unicorns

New research shows that if you want to keep your female staff at Unicorns, you need to put in more effort

Passion and purpose: A career story from Salesforce’s Equality Programs Director

Working at Salesforce has taught Bayly Mattes to believe in her strengths, stick to her goals, speak out and try new things.

Half of leaders and managers would not employ a neurodivergent person

People with neurodivergent conditions are more likely to be excluded in the workplace and less likely to be hired

The nature of work is changing. Is the Equality Act 2010 still in play?

It’s been 10 years since the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 in the UK, but what has really changed?

Women in IT Virtual Summit New York: Actions speak louder than words

The Women in IT Virtual Summit New York has had enough of performative efforts, and real action is the only solution

Black men: how to change your mindset, escape stereotypes and get ahead

Life Coach Michael Taylor believes ‘Shattering Black Male Stereotypes’ is the fillip to black men progressing in the corporate world