Search results for: anxiety

Top 10 business and personal development books from underrepresented authors

Book publisher Mindy Gibbins-Klein champions equity in publishing by showcasing underrepresented authors. Here are her top business picks for 2021

Alleviating the burdens of working mothers in COVID-19 and beyond

The pressures faced by working mothers can cause many to leave the workforce for good, this female founder believes that employers need to learn the lesson of flexibility if they want to retain them

Why retraining and data sharing will create diverse tech roles

Currently there aren’t enough women and ethnic minorities represented in UK tech roles. With a global skills shortage on the horizon, firms need to start hiring from a more diverse talent pool

Why homeworking shouldn’t be blamed for the COVID-19 mental health crisis

Workers are suffering from mounting stress and job burnout as COVID-19 continues, could the remote working model be the pandemic’s next victim?

8 ways that businesses can support LGBT+ staff remotely

The office can be a leveller for some workers, that’s why employers must ensure groups, including LGBT+ staff feel supported when working from home

Despite homeworking trend, job flexibility suffers

The pandemic has highlighted great inequalities between those that can work from home, and those that have no flexible working rights at all

Majority of working mothers have been refused furlough

More than 70% of working mothers who asked to be furloughed for childcare reasons since schools shut have been refused

Few employees feel that their employer truly cares

New research says that only a quarter of employees said their employer was genuinely concerned about their wellbeing

How to support managers to reduce the stigma of workplace mental ill-health

Nuffield Health’s latest whitepaper ‘MORE THAN WORDS’ shines a light on the importance of language to normalise everyday mental health ill-health

D&I needs to be part of the business strategy – an expert’s view

Vessy Tasheva takes a holistic approach when helping organisations embed D&I. 2021 is time to move beyond the virtual signalling