
Working from home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Home working doesn’t need to be lone working. Verriberri’s Sarah Kauter on how to look after your mental health during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Can your employer refuse to let you work from home?

As the UK’s coronavirus safeguarding measures continue, Mini Setty explains the law on employees’ rights to work from home.

How supported employment services can help employers

For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

Should veganism be protected by the Equality Act?

Has ethical veganism shifted in status to become a philosophical belief, which is protected under equality law against discrimination?

How to build company culture across global, multicultural teams

Want to know how to create a global culture in which multicultural teams can thrive? intive may have the answer.

RPC signs Women in Law Pledge to boost gender equality in the legal profession

A new internal 15-point Gender Balance Plan underlines law firm’s further commitment to eradicating gender inequality.

The challenges and expected qualities of a CIO in healthcare

Information Age spoke to Amanda Hamilton, CIO at City & County Healthcare Group, about the challenges and expected qualities of a CIO in healthcare.

Empathy- The missing link to inclusion

Will understanding what drives our decision-making processes lead to an unbiased workplace full of empathy? The ECC explores…

#BiasCorrect returns in support of International Women’s Day

Catalyst’s 2020 #BiasCorrect campaign engages men and offers multiple languages in Slack plugin and other tools.