Best Practice

50% of employees are unaware of their maternity/paternity leave rights

New parents give birth to increasing discrimination through not understanding the maternity/paternity leave rights in their current role.

Diversity and inclusion essential to the success of modern organisations

Culture Amp believes that data-informed decisions based on employee feedback will fundamentally help organisations make progress in D&I.

No love, no diversity and definitely, no inclusion!

Love-based leadership is the key to unlocking true diversity and inclusion in the workplace, says leading expert, Yetunde Hofmann

30% club sets new targets to boost gender and ethnic diversity on boards

30% Club calls for British businesses to go beyond decade-old targets in the next three years with new goals

Shaping the future one career and one industry at a time

Leaving home to work for a big tech company like Salesforce paid off for Husain al Waily

9 tips for great virtual leadership – with or without a pandemic

Virtual leadership is now the ‘new normal’. Expert and author Dr Penny Pullan, shares how to get it right.

How CEOs, line-managers, HR and D&I practitioners can support Black colleagues

Listen, learn, act and self-educate—just some of the things you can do to support Black colleagues at work.

Virtual support at the Women in IT Summit 2020 – day one

As the world works around COVID-19, the first day of the Women in IT Summit 2020 explores how we can live, and work, with the virus.

How to reintegrate furloughed employees in an inclusive way

Prioritise accessible communication, psychological safety and inclusive redesign, says industry thought leader Teresa Boughey.

Female Ventures Fund to invest £10m in women-only start-ups in first year

New venture capital fund led by and for women will address inequality of just 1% of VC money going to women-only start-ups