Best Practice

Will COVID-19 create more female entrepreneurs?

As a group, women have been one of the pandemic’s biggest economic victims, has this made them hungrier for entrepreneurship?

New Walgreens CEO boosts c-suite diversity

Brewer was the first Black woman to lead a division at Starbucks, now she is joining pharmaceutical retailer Walgreens as its new CEO

Compliance sector marred by lip service on diversity

Diversity implementations in the financial services sector are shallow and ineffectual, suggests a new ICA report on the compliance sector

Diversity is a chance; inclusion is a wealth

Diversity matters; not just as a business imperative, but for human morality to survive

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

WEF launches anti-racism workplace coalition

New World Economic Forum coalition commits to improving racial and ethnic justice in the workplace

Some leadership traits can boost a company, others can make it sink, says new study

Common leadership traits can impact their wider organisation for the better or worse

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?

Black Girl Finance: top tips for saving, budgeting and investing

How women of colour can make their hard earned money work even harder than before

Are president Biden’s nominees diverse enough?

Democratic presidents have a history of making diverse nominations, but is Biden going far enough with his?