
Ellie Talks Money founder on being a Black entrepreneur

The challenges of being a Black entrepreneur can be unique but also rewarding

Women in IT Awards Asia 2023: nominations are open

Nominate your female trailblazers in Asia’s tech scene

Mars: Achieving fairer female representation in the workplace

Mars makes strides to create a more female-friendly work environment

Do you work in a toxic workplace?

Is flawed leadership the only cause of a toxic workplace?

LGBT+ employees face barriers to progression, says new research

Half of LGBT+ employees believe there’s an LGBT+ pay gap

“Inclusion first and diversity will thrive”

Darren Johnson shares why he is a fan of Women In Finance and all diversity

Raising awareness and combating anti-Asian violence

How businesses can provide support amidst uptick in anti-Asian violence

LEAN IN Equity & Sustainability: 60 seconds with Deandra Dimov

Empowering women in energy storage in South Africa

The Women in IT Awards UK 2023 shortlist revealed!

The prestigious ceremony takes place on the 23rd February, 2023

How can managers beat ‘productivity paranoia’?

What managers can do to eliminate trust issues among teams